How long does it take you to deliver a result?

Depending on the type of work, generally I give a range of hours. It could take 10 hours to build a model, without seeking external variables, for example. A dashboard could take from 3 hours to 12, depending on the complexity.

Do you do financial modeling? Do you do machine learning models for stock market forecasting?

Not to improve the Return on Investment (ROI) of manual, semi-automatic or automated trading strategies.

What kind of follow-up do you offer?

We will arrange, for example, one short call a month to check if what I have delivered to you is working as it did on the first deal. Or if it needs some brief tweaks to the data dashboard I’ve created for you.

What do you mean by ultra-specialization?

Large consulting firms have a diverse and specialized team of statisticians/informaticians. For example, I do not offer artificial intelligence solutions concerning computer vision (the one they use in self-driving cars, for example)


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